1. Catalogue your pens – It’s good to know what you have, and you may uncover some pens that you forgot you had. Some keep their pen records in a notebook, others use an electronic database – use whatever works for you.
2. Clean and test your pens – I periodically go thru and flush my pens with water. This prevents the buildup of old ink, and you can test the filling mechanism at the same time.
3. Write letters – Since we cannot visit friends and family, sending a letter is a great way to stay in touch. Take the opportunity to write letters with some of the pens you haven’t used in a while and perhaps try new ink with a bold color.
4. Start a journal – Record your experiences, thoughts or perhaps make it a diary. It will be interesting to look back a year from now to read what we went thru during this time.
5. Hold a virtual pen meeting – Since we cannot attend our local pen meetings in person, arrange a virtual pen meeting. It’s a great way to stay in touch and share information.
6. Join on-line pen groups – There are many on-line pen groups on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. There is a lot of information shared in these groups and you can make new pen friends on-line.
Have no doubt, we will get through this crisis. In the meantime, we can enjoy our hobby and expand our horizons.
Happy Collecting!